Life @ IMS

Visitors @ IMS

Date of Visit Visitors Name Company Name Topic
10.09.2018 Dr. Deepali Monga International Corporate Trainer Workshop on ?Team Management & Emotional Intelligence. Management & CDC Department
31.08.2018 Ms. Manpreet HR.HCL Toastmasters International Demo Meet
31.08.2018 Mr. M.S. Rakesh Lead HR?from?Capgemini Technology Services India Ltd, Guest Lecture.Campus to Corporate By CRC Department
28.08.2018 Mr. Sanjay Kathuria Channel leader.IBM India Ltd. Guest Lecture on effectiveness of marketing in current business practice.Management Dept.?
27.08.2018 Mr. Pushkar Verma Trainer Cloudwizard Guest Lecture in BCA
24.08.2018 Prof. S.K. Bhatnagar Dean Deptt. of Biotechnology SVBP Meerut. Guest Lecture in Biotech & Microbiology
24.08.2018 Mr. Himanshu
23.08.2018 Dr. Deepak Sachdeva Yoga Therapist and??Educator,?New Delhi Guest Lecture on ?Yogic Lifestyle? School of Biosciences
23.08.2018 Mr. Sanoj Gautam Alumni IMS+ Trainer NBTV Guest of Honor BJMC ORIENTATION DAY
23.08.2018 Mr. Ravindra Singh RJ in FM Rainbow and TV Anchor Guest of Honor BJMC ORIENTATION DAY