Toll Free No. 1800-102-1214
Department: Genomics and Proteomics
17 Years
Dr. Surabhi Johari has 17 years of academic and research experience. Her research interest are Metabolomics, Proteomics and Structural Biology, Computer aided Drug Designing. Formerly she has worked as Assistant Professor, Center for Biotechnology and Bioinformatics Dibrugarh University Dibrugarh, Assam. She have worked on multiple projects of Bioinformatics viz. CrisPR/Cas9, sg RNA synthesis NGS tools; ChipSeq tools; Discovery Studio v 4.5; Gromacs v 5, COMFA, Autodock Vina, VMD, Rasmol, Biosuite, Swiss Pdb Viewer, Triton, AMBER for Molecular Dynamics,3D QSAR, Pharmacophore mapping ,Flux balance analysis , Cell Designer, Gauss view, Swiss Model, Modeller9v8, Tinker, Gemdock, Pyrx, MVD , single mutation polymorphism detection and basic algorithm design for protein disorder prediction using ANN and AI. Her current research aspects are developing advanced proteome data driven algorithms for healthcare. She has been awarded for Newton Funded Indo UK antimicrobial resistance workshop 14-18 December 2018 held at Banglore, Karnataka. She also won IEEE Best paper Award for Oral Presentation at International Conference on machine intelligence and research (ICMIRA) Dec 2013, Katra, Jammu. She is also Head of Women cell and has been awarded with Nari Shakti purskar in 2023.
Projects Undertaken (Research / Corporate / Trainings, etc.):
Development of Phytochemical Database To Be Used In Drug Discovery An ICMR Project (13.0lakhs) as A Co-PI. Database Development: A phytochemical database curated for drug designing has been developed with 3000 phytochemicals. The development is undergoing. The database is made available in the URL :
Computational biology , Drug Designing
Attended Newton Funded Indo UK Antimicrobial Resistance Residential Workshop 14-18 December 2017 held at Banglore, Karnataka.
Attended workshop organized by Biodiscovery group on CRSIPR/Cas 9 from 12 -20 February 2018.
Organized Faculty Development Program (FDP) on “BIG: Outreach funding opportunities in collaboration with SIIC IIT Kanpur”, on the 11th of July 2023 in collaboration with IIT, Kanpur Uttar Pradesh. As Panelists at Nari Shakti Puruskar 2023 on Occasion of Women’s Day, 25th March 2023 at VIPS, New Delhi.
Attended Course on "Advanced Bioinformatics Skills and NGS analysis" organized by ArrayGen Technologies Pune from 26- 27 January 2018.