

Sports club, IMS Ghaziabad (University Courses Campus) have organised Recharge Your Brain: Online Chess Competition on 25 th & 26 th May 2020. In continuation, Sports club has collected the online nominations till 22rd May, 2020. We received 54 nominations; then different matches were organised in the set of two players through Chess Online App. Winner of each match send his screen shot as proof of his victory afterwards semi-final and final matches were organised. Abhishek Thakur, BBA 2nd Year and Seglosem Benjamin Singh, BBA 3rd year played match to secure their place in finals. Similarly, Deepali Shukla, BSc. (MB )2nd year and Harshit Sharma, BCA 2nd year played Semi-final match. Seglosem Benjamin Singh student of BBA 3rd year and Deepali Shukla student of BSc (MB) 2nd year bagged first and second position respectively. Dr. Sapna Rakesh (Director, IMS Ghaziabad- University Courses Campus) congratulated the students and motivated them towards their learning and achievements.