

Report of Venomous Dice: Trail to Triumph on 20 May 2022


Event Name:

Venomous Dice: Trail to Triumph

(For faculty & staff)              

Date: 20th May 2022

Day: Friday

Time: 3:00 pm to 4:50 pm


Venue: Atrium

Faculty members:

 Dr Anchal Luthra (club coordinator)

 Dr Shilpi Sarna

 Prof. Akansha Tyagi

Prof. Nidhi Srivastava

Prof. Vanchan Tripathi


Summary of the Event:

Srijan – The HR Club at IMS Ghaziabad (University Courses Campus) celebrated "International HR Day" with the students, faculty members and staff on May 19th and May 20, 2022.

Day 2 of the event includes the activity named Venomous Dice: Trail to Triumph for faculty & staff members. The activity started with a slow walk race in which all the registered teams (faculties) participated. Out of 11 teams, 8 teams were shortlisted for the final round. The teams consisted of two members, one appeared for the quiz, and another was moving on the snakes & ladders board.

The quiz included general & fun questions from various domains like food, film, sports, riddles, etc. The team answering the question correct was awarded a chance to roll the dice and move the steps ahead. For a spice in the game, the team answered incorrect stepped one back.

At last, the audience gathered there also answered some questions & riddles and given them chocolates on the special occasion of International HR Day.

The purpose of the activity for faculty members & staff was to bring them out of their hectic schedules &

provide them with some fun time. The atrium was full of fun & laughter.

The winners were-

First position: Dr Pooja Rastogi and Prof. Rajnish Kumar Mishra

Second position: Prof. Divya Chibber and Prof. Manavi Gilotra

The event ended with the felicitation ceremony by Director Sir and he motivated & appreciated all the club members and winners with his words of wisdom.