



New beginnings, new mindset, new day, new records, new results and with new spirit, IT department of IMS Ghaziabad, University Courses Campus organized the biggest hacking carnival 'Hackathon' on 5 April 2019 which aimed to empower young minds.

For those who want to test their nerves,college fests are the exemplary platform for participation as these are melting pot of personalities and ideas for the student body. The event started in the morning with a beautiful opening ceremony in the august presence of esteemed dignitaries. The event was inaugurated by our honorable Chief Guests, Mr. Vikas Gupta (An associate consultant currently working as a Program Architect in TCS), Ms. Saumyah Singh (HCL infra as a lead Recruitment Officer in Oracle, Sybase, Teradata) and Dr. Gagan Varshney (HOD, BCA deptt.). Hackathon proved to be magically extraordinary journey steered through by the IT department. More than 180 entries were received which indeed is a great success in itself. This event had three exciting competitions viz. Code Cracker, Web-A-Thon and Breach the firewall.

Winners of the day are as mentioned below:
Code Cracker
1st rank:
Ishan Varshney from GBU college (cash prize Rs.3000)
1st rank: Abhinay Panday from Ryan International School (cash prize Rs.3000)
2nd rank: Aman Aggarwal from AKGEC college (cash prize Rs.2000)
2nd rank: Raghav Goel from DPS Vasundhara (cash prize Rs.2000)

1st rank:
Vartika Singh and Sachin Singh from ABES IT (cash prize Rs.5000)
2nd rank: Ishan Varshney GBU college (cash prize Rs.3000)
3rd rank: Nikhil Srivastava and Ravi Gupta (cash prize Rs.2000)

Breach the firewall
Harshit Sengar (cash prize Rs.3000)
Akarshan Mishra from DPS Ghaziabad (cash prize Rs.2000)
1st rank:
Abhinay Pandey (cash prize Rs.5000)