


Guest Lecture on Indian Banking System

A guest lecture on the Banking System of India was organized today by IMS Ghaziabad University Courses Campus for the students of BBA IInd year, the expert invited to make this event a reality was Mr Pramod Agarwal, the branch head of Punjab National Bank, Ghaziabad.
The extensive nature of the Indian Banking System was beautifully covered by Mr. Aggarwal as he talked about different banking institutions, covering the concepts of banking and non-banking financial institutions. The functioning of the regulatory bodies and how they?re supporting the economic system was also discussed. He explained in detail about Bank fraud, its types about Non-Performing assets and the recent changes that have fallen into developing the system as to how NPA are being viewed and the recovery rules.
Students questions ranged from loan pipelines and how they?re sanctioned, how is the system helping the startups and the associated technicalities.